Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I wish Mindy Kaling was Invisbile or Why Doesn't She Go Back to India and Marry a Nice Dark Male?

"Her whole dingy cute white girl trapped in an unattractive Hindu female body and the “laughs” she tries to squeeze out of that paradigm gets really old, really fast. Overrated. Big time."
 Basically it's because she is the Pet Non_White Immigrant Female who is only tolerated because she is the Pet Non_White Immigrant Female. She is 35 and so past the I am so cute phase but she doesn't know it . She needs to go back to India and get herself married off to some guy with a turban and eyeliner.
 Does everyone know that Dot Indians cannot be deported because India will not accept return of  citizens from India or that dot Indians are hired over legal Americans because they will work cheaper? 

Borrowed from some other site ( Talent borrows Genius Steals)
’ll preface this by saying that I’m definitely not a Mindy Kaling fan. I don’t find her funny, charming, endearing or anything of the sort, but some people do, and that’s what life’s about – personal taste. Clearly the graduating class at Harvard Law School was pleased to see Mindy when she was the speaker at their Class Day ceremony this past week.

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