Monday, March 17, 2014

Latino Immigrant takeover of the United States: American Dream DOA

Ya, the 'Latinos' are the ones who have manipulated their way up the system like a snake crawling up through the They ended up bringing the crime, the indifference (because of a language barrier and HUGE chips on their shoulders) , and the warping of the vote, because they don't 'get' the idea of being "American"...they just enjoy the benefits of being IN America. You have some who went through the process to become citizens and MANY others who have just played the system because the system allows itself to be played...especially since Obama got in office. Liberals yelled and stamped their feet about the 'injustice' being put upon the illegal aliens right up until those same illegal aliens literally moved in across the street from them and how insulting is it
to be paying taxes to support the guy who lives across the street when he's not doing the same for you? Pretty ugly stuff, man! 
Same thing is going on for the TONS of middle-easterners who shove their money in all directions while ignoring the laws.Part of the rude factor came in because they are so internally conflicted about the fact that they got what they wanted....only to find out that they didn't want it after all. America was better off when it was America and when the people IN America WANTED to be Americans. Now we have MILLIONS of people who are NOT citizens, yet earn money, don't pay ANY taxes, and live off of the efforts of those who do. It's pretty funny to see those Saudis who skate on everything from lawsuits to parking tickets - and the liberal Democrats who made it happen are making all the cities pay the bills! America stopped being a place where you came to be a part of something and instead got turned into a place to take advantage of - and ALL the foreigners know this - the word spreads quick! The American Dream was put in it's grave by the very people who came here looking for it...and then the next generations have been feeding on the corpse

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