Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Boycott Skinny's Texaco 373 S Columbia River Hwy Saint Helens OR 97051 Hiring Mexicans

Skinny's Texaco

373 S Columbia River HwySaint Helens OR 97051
(503) 397-0043
 Skinny's is owned by a family in Columbia County with a lot of cash and clout. I noted months ago they were hiring an illegal appearing Mexican at the pumps.
 This week they were putting in some lines and the entire crew looked to be fresh out of Mexico or Honduras, not a single local boy in the mix
  Of course, since Obama shut down ICE there won't be any fines or deportations.

1 comment:

eyeontruth said...

We use to go to Skinny's...amazing they also added a fish and chip but just more greasy food. I got an "Hispanic cashier who did not know how to work the machine, speak English, and messed up my SAFEWAY points [ then again Safeway now owned by Steven Fienberg [ daddy aka Sandy Hook- Martin F] of FREEDOM GROUP worlds largest gun manufacturer and distributors and Cerebrus "three headed hell hounds" owning mills, Albertsons, Safeways and many food markets........its all in the big plan, illegals in, world war III, look who is behind all of this and you will understand .........look at what Churches have gone into full compliance with the Feds and government programs.........they all have one thing in common