Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Breaking News St Helens Library HIres Illegal Aliens From Mexico For Roofing Job with Taxpayer Money

St Helens Library in Columbia County

Today, July 22, 2014, St Helens Public Library has an all " Hispanic " Illegal Alien ( Most Likely)  Work Crew  of four Mexican  males , putting in a new roof with taxpayer money
.ICE Shuts Down Roofing Company illegals that hires 

 They hired,INTERSTATE ROOFING a business that is well known for hiring illegal aliens to do their work. Interstate Roofing is not from Columbia County. They could have hired Wayne Mayo , who would have hired legal local Americans to do the work.
 Not the trashy City of St Helens, Oregon. Mostly likely they approved this outsider crew with an 800 number, without even asking local contractors for a bid.
 (St Helens library also  gives free library cards to illegal aliens but charges local Americans).
 No one will call ICE or ask to see if this business uses E-Verify, ( which would check to make sure that the roofers have Social Security Numbers

Friday, July 18, 2014

No to Obamas Border Surge Deport Illegals Close the Border

Keep in mind also that Illegal aliens are working all over Columbia County, at Ramos Landscaping, MacDonalds, Comfort Construction and the Mexican Restaurants to name but  a few. They take up housing , get food stamps for their numerous babies and simply don't belong here. They need to self-deport

(1) The Obama Administration already has the tools it needs to reverse the surge.
(2) Legislative solutions (even well-meaning ones) are not necessary and could (if they originate in the House) become a trojan horse for the Senate amnesty bill.
(3) The surge of illegal immigration at the border would not be happening if illegal aliens weren't confident that they would be allowed to stay. Yet, few have been required to leave.
What about the 2008 Anti-Trafficking Law?
The 2008 Trafficking Law (sometimes called the "Wilberforce Act") has become a source of great debate in Washington. If you haven't followed the debate closely, keep this in mind:
"It is important to remember that trafficking laws are not responsible for the current illegal immigration surge and any changes that might be made will likely have little impact. Amending them should not become a distraction from addressing the bigger problem of lax enforcement of existing immigration laws, which continue to encourage people to come to the United States illegally."
- Jon Feere, Center for Immigration Studies

Quick-Link Media Roundup
"Majority of Central Americans Asylum Claims Immediately Approved" - Press release from the House Judiciary Committee. See also "Report: 'Vast majority' of asylum claims granted" by Byron York of The Examiner.
According to a Guatemalan newspaper, the U.S. turns over 97 percent of border crossers to relatives in the U.S.
Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA and Daniel Horowitz of Red State are both quoted in this Breitbart story that House Republican Leadership is playing right into the hands of pro-amnesty McCain, Schumer, Graham, Obama, etc. by giving them a bill.
"Boehner and Reid face tough task of rounding up votes on border," by Alexander Bolton and Cristina Marcos of The Hill.
The Cueller/Cornyn "HUMANE Act" weakens existing law, according toanalysis from the Center for Immigration Studies.
"Obama may be misreading 2008 deportation law, report shows"by Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times. The Administration has acknowledged that the current law gives them flexibility to send the Surgers home.
"Children trying to sneak into the U.S. aren't always alone" by Joshua Partlow of the Washington Post. The 2008 law only applies to "unaccompanied children."
A week after Bill Gates called for more foreign workers (see here), Microsoft announced plans to lay off 18,000 employees (see here).
Thank you for all that you do,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Immigration Gumballs :Immigration is Not the Solution

Immigration isn't the humanitarian solution to the world's problems.
Would you help us spread Roy Beck's famous Immigration, World Poverty, and Gumballs video? Post, share, tweet, rate, comment. Spread the word.
As the border crisis continues, it more important than ever for people to understand that immigration (legal or illegal) does next to nothing to alleviate the suffering of the impoverished people around the world.
They have to be helped where they live. Just as impoverished U.S. citizens have to be helped here at home.
In a positive sign, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer said last week:The United States cannot be expected to give sanctuary to every child in the world that is exposed to danger in their country because of the failure of the country's government, or the local municipality's government, to assist in keeping their own children safe.
The gumballs back him up.
Spread the word,

National Day of Protest Against Amnesty and Border Surge July18-19 across the United States

More than 170 protests nationwide see below.  List  July 18-19 nationally.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Congress scoffs at the President's money package for border crisis

 THIS ISSUE: Congress scoffs at the President's money package for border crisis
Pres. Obama's request to Congress for$3.7 billion in emergency funding to address the border crisis hasn't exactly been warmly received. Maybe it's because nearly half of the funds requested ($1.8 billion) would go Health and Human Services to relocate illegal aliens across the country. Or maybe it's because more than $15 million would go to immigration lawyers to defend Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) in deportation hearings that won't happen for several years -- and that's if they even show up for the hearing.

Most of the criticism has come from the Republican side of the aisle, but earlier this week, Pres. Obama lost a key ally when the No. 2 Democrat in the House, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) suggested that most of the UACs be deported.
The United States cannot be expected to give sanctuary to every single child in the world that is exposed to danger in their country because of the failure of the country's government or local municipality's government to assist in keeping their own children safe.

-- Rep. Steny Hoyer
Even House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi now says that she's open to the idea of revisiting a 2008 law that provides for different treatment of UACs from noncontiguous countries compared to those from contiguous countries (Mexico and Canada) as a condition for approving the funding.
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has been fairly quiet until this week. There are reports that he told Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) that his outline for a GOP comprehensive immigration reform bill would not receive a House vote this year, and he, too, rejected Pres. Obama's $3.7 billion request.
We're not giving the president a blank check. This is a problem of the president's own making. He's been president for five and a half years. When's he going to take responsibility for something?

-- House Speaker John Boehner
House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and former chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) have also spoken out against the request. It's a welcome bit of a change for Rep. Goodlatte who has maintained a more sympathetic tone towards illegal aliens over the past year and a half.
President Obama can and should take action now to halt the flood of illegal crossings at our southwest border. President Obama has many tools at his disposal now to quell this activity at our southern border, such as enforcing immigration laws and cracking down on rampant asylum fraud. Unfortunately, none of these tools are mentioned in his proposal.

-- Rep. Bob Goodlatte
Congress shouldn't give President Obama a single penny until we see him use the current resources to secure the border, increase interior enforcement, and reduce illegal immigration.

-- Rep. Lamar Smith
On the Senate side, GOP Members of the Gang of Eight also rejected Obama's request for funds.
Half of it is for HHS, very little of it is for actual improvements on the border

-- Sen. Marco Rubio
I think this is an emergency on multiple fronts but you just don't want to throw money at the problem.

You want to address the underlying cause of the problem, which is people believing that if they get here, they can stay.

-- Sen. John McCain
But there are reports today of a new danger surfacing. Sens. Lindsey Graham and McCain are working with Gang of Eight ring leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on a deal to end the current crisis, including a "broader deal" that could include elements of the Senate-approved amnesty bill.
Still, there's reason for optimism that Congress will use the border crisis to force Pres. Obama to begin enforcing the law. We're now pushing the condition that no extra funding should be approved until he demonstrates that he will deport illegal aliens. UACs only account for 20% of the total flow of illegal aliens coming across the border, but as far as we know, he's yet to deport anyone from the larger group.
I can't help but think that some of your activism efforts this week have contributed to the good news. You have sent 385,864 faxes to Congress and made countless phone calls!
And many of you have attended local council meetings and protests. Activists in California successfully turned back the relocation of illegal aliens in Murrieta ultimately leading to the suspension of all DHS flights from Texas to San Diego. We've also seen successful protests in Michigan where the feds are still considering facilities to house relocated illegal aliens.
But the fight is far from over. If you haven't taken action this week, please visit your Action Board for faxing and phoning opportunities. Also, check out our mapthat shows where the feds are considering relocation facilities and where they've failed.
FRI, JULY 11th

Oregon Bakken Crude Oil Reports Now on Internet

Oregon Bakken  Crude Oil Reports Now on Internet

 I wouldn't expect too much truthiness from this site, as the Railroad companies will lie and the Fire Marshall Department  think they can contain any problems which makes them part of the problem. Yeah Sure ,
Pictures of Oil train Explosion in Canada

Oregon State Fire Marshal - 07/08/14

The Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal, acting in its role as the State Emergency Response Commission, announced today that reports received from railroad companies on the movement of Bakken crude oil through Oregon are now available to the public. The agency announced last week that it would provide the reports through the OSFM website.

The OSFM has previously provided copies of these reports to local emergency response agencies in areas where trains carrying crude oil travel.

Railroad companies are required by federal law to notify counties prior to making any material changes in the estimated volumes or frequencies of trains traveling through a county. The United States Department of Transportation considers an increase or decrease of 25 percent or more in the number of implicated trains per week to be a material change.

The railroad reports are available at:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Urgent Send Bonamici Letter to Stop Obama's Illegal Hispanic Border Invasion

 Sign up at Numbersusa.com for this free fax
They do not spam

Representative Suzanne Bonamici
U.S. House of Representatives, 439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Bonamici,
We know President Obama is asking for $3.7 billion to deal with the border surge. Please do not approve this funding until UACs from Central America are treated the same as UACs from Canada and Mexico, foreign aid is prevented from going to countries that refuse the repatriation of their citizens, and you can ensure that the funds will only be used by DHS and ICE to detain, process, and remove illegal aliens. Until this is done, the funding will be of little use.

It is vital that the border surge be contained and stopped. However, giving President Obama carte blanch to spend the extra funds as he wishes would be foolish. Please do not approve the funding until: 

-- unaccompanied illegal alien minors (UACs) from Central American nations are treated the same as those from Mexico and Canada -- they are interviewed by Border Patrol officers then quickly and humanely repatriated;

-- foreign aid is prevented from being sent to nations that refuse the repatriation of their citizens; and 

-- ensure all the funds go to the Border Patrol and ICE to detain, process, and remove illegal aliens; not to resettle illegal aliens in the United States. 

If this is not done, there is nothing to prevent the president from using the funds to resettle, not repatriate, illegal aliens. 

If large numbers of these illegal border surgers aren't deported immediately, the flow from Central America (and, increasingly, other countries) will not stop. Moreover, Unaccompanied Minors (UACs) are only 20-25 percent of the current flow. Why aren't the other 75-80 percent being deported immediately, since there is no legal impediment? Perhaps because Obama has no intention of deporting them? Throwing taxpayer money at Obama will lead only to more illegal immigration.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this,