Friday, July 18, 2014

No to Obamas Border Surge Deport Illegals Close the Border

Keep in mind also that Illegal aliens are working all over Columbia County, at Ramos Landscaping, MacDonalds, Comfort Construction and the Mexican Restaurants to name but  a few. They take up housing , get food stamps for their numerous babies and simply don't belong here. They need to self-deport

(1) The Obama Administration already has the tools it needs to reverse the surge.
(2) Legislative solutions (even well-meaning ones) are not necessary and could (if they originate in the House) become a trojan horse for the Senate amnesty bill.
(3) The surge of illegal immigration at the border would not be happening if illegal aliens weren't confident that they would be allowed to stay. Yet, few have been required to leave.
What about the 2008 Anti-Trafficking Law?
The 2008 Trafficking Law (sometimes called the "Wilberforce Act") has become a source of great debate in Washington. If you haven't followed the debate closely, keep this in mind:
"It is important to remember that trafficking laws are not responsible for the current illegal immigration surge and any changes that might be made will likely have little impact. Amending them should not become a distraction from addressing the bigger problem of lax enforcement of existing immigration laws, which continue to encourage people to come to the United States illegally."
- Jon Feere, Center for Immigration Studies

Quick-Link Media Roundup
"Majority of Central Americans Asylum Claims Immediately Approved" - Press release from the House Judiciary Committee. See also "Report: 'Vast majority' of asylum claims granted" by Byron York of The Examiner.
According to a Guatemalan newspaper, the U.S. turns over 97 percent of border crossers to relatives in the U.S.
Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA and Daniel Horowitz of Red State are both quoted in this Breitbart story that House Republican Leadership is playing right into the hands of pro-amnesty McCain, Schumer, Graham, Obama, etc. by giving them a bill.
"Boehner and Reid face tough task of rounding up votes on border," by Alexander Bolton and Cristina Marcos of The Hill.
The Cueller/Cornyn "HUMANE Act" weakens existing law, according toanalysis from the Center for Immigration Studies.
"Obama may be misreading 2008 deportation law, report shows"by Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times. The Administration has acknowledged that the current law gives them flexibility to send the Surgers home.
"Children trying to sneak into the U.S. aren't always alone" by Joshua Partlow of the Washington Post. The 2008 law only applies to "unaccompanied children."
A week after Bill Gates called for more foreign workers (see here), Microsoft announced plans to lay off 18,000 employees (see here).
Thank you for all that you do,

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