Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Urgent Send Bonamici Letter to Stop Obama's Illegal Hispanic Border Invasion

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Representative Suzanne Bonamici
U.S. House of Representatives, 439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative Bonamici,
We know President Obama is asking for $3.7 billion to deal with the border surge. Please do not approve this funding until UACs from Central America are treated the same as UACs from Canada and Mexico, foreign aid is prevented from going to countries that refuse the repatriation of their citizens, and you can ensure that the funds will only be used by DHS and ICE to detain, process, and remove illegal aliens. Until this is done, the funding will be of little use.

It is vital that the border surge be contained and stopped. However, giving President Obama carte blanch to spend the extra funds as he wishes would be foolish. Please do not approve the funding until: 

-- unaccompanied illegal alien minors (UACs) from Central American nations are treated the same as those from Mexico and Canada -- they are interviewed by Border Patrol officers then quickly and humanely repatriated;

-- foreign aid is prevented from being sent to nations that refuse the repatriation of their citizens; and 

-- ensure all the funds go to the Border Patrol and ICE to detain, process, and remove illegal aliens; not to resettle illegal aliens in the United States. 

If this is not done, there is nothing to prevent the president from using the funds to resettle, not repatriate, illegal aliens. 

If large numbers of these illegal border surgers aren't deported immediately, the flow from Central America (and, increasingly, other countries) will not stop. Moreover, Unaccompanied Minors (UACs) are only 20-25 percent of the current flow. Why aren't the other 75-80 percent being deported immediately, since there is no legal impediment? Perhaps because Obama has no intention of deporting them? Throwing taxpayer money at Obama will lead only to more illegal immigration.
Phone me if you would like to talk about this,

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