Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Alert tell Rep Bonamici No to Illegal Alien Housing in Oregon

Click below to Tell Rep. Bonamici to say NO illegal alien housing in OR!
 Ramos Landscaping Service , which has contracts with the County and with many businesses, such as the Dollar Tree , is staffed with Illegal alien males from Mexico, imported by Enrique Ramos , who lived and worked here illegally for over ten years, until he found an American woman to get him his green card
As the massive surge of illegal aliens flooding over the border continues,the Obama administration is planning to house illegal aliens in communities around the country. Citizens and their elected officials are pushing back against these plans and have been successful in some cases. Rep. Bonamici needs to hear from you before the problem is on your state's doorstep.
Just click the button below, and you can read and send our pre-filled message to Rep. Bonamici that says "Not in my state!"


439 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-0855
Fax: (202) 225-9497
12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 220
Beaverton, OR 97005
Phone: (503) 469-6010
Fax: (503) 469-6018

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Foreign Nationals Replace Americans in STEM Jobs

 The Myth of the Worker Shortage continues. We don't need any more immigrants , legal or otherwise.Check out all the Nail Salons in Columbia County, staffed by tiny Asian females who are from Asia and barely speak any English. What if an American wants to work for them? Discrimination? Everify? How many of them are here illegally? 
A new study by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that there is not a STEM worker shortage.  Indeed, there are twice as many workers with STEM degrees than exist STEM jobs.  Using employment and wage data, the study found that:
  • Using the most common definition of STEM jobs, total STEM employment in 2012 was 5.3 million workers (immigrant and native), but there are 12.1 million STEM degree holders (immigrant and native).
  • Only one-third of native-born Americans with an undergraduate STEM degree holding a job actually work in a STEM occupation.
  • There are more than five million native-born Americans with STEM undergraduate degrees working in non-STEM occupations: 1.5 million with engineering degrees, half a million with technology degrees, 400,000 with math degrees, and 2.6 million with science degrees.
  • An additional 1.2 million natives with STEM degrees are not working — unemployed or out of the labor force in 2012.
  • Despite the economic downturn, Census Bureau data show that, between 2007 and 2012, about 700,000 new immigrants who have STEM degrees were allowed to settle in the country, yet at the same time, total STEM employment grew by only about 500,000.
  • Of these new immigrants with STEM degrees, only a little more than a third took a STEM job and about the same share took a non-STEM job. The rest were not working in 2012.
Please send a fax to your three Members of Congress and tell them about the study and some of its findings.

Click here to read more from the study

Columbia County rancher gets $300,000 fine for water pollution; ordered to shut down cattle

Columbia County rancher gets $300,000 fine for water pollution; ordered to shut down cattle 

typical for Columbia County where the motto is " I know someone who works at County so I can't be touched " the oil change place in Scappose was fined for dumping car oil straight into the drains which went out to the river.. Just typical for the anarchism that abounds here. Of course , if they allow a coal plant in Clatsaknie, hundreds of crude oil trains, clear cut logging, and oil barges on the Columbia River, you have to wonder how the cows could possibly be a felony conviction , when there are greater risks with the crude oil they ship through Columbia County
on March 23, 2012 at 8:11 AM, updated March 23, 2012 at 10:15 AM
 A Columbia County cattle rancher with history of regulatory run-ins has been ordered to shut down his operation, fined $300,000 and sentenced to five days in jail for discharging cattle waste into tributaries of the Columbia River.
William Holdner, who turned 86 March 18, was convicted on two felony counts of first-degree water pollution and 25 counts of second-degree water pollution. He can avoid $225,000 of the fine if he complies with a timeline set by the judge, including liquidating his cattle operation within 90 days.
The evidence showed that Holdner illegally discharged cattle waste into Mud Creek and South Scappoose Creek, and ran a cattle operation without proper permits.
According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, cattle ranches such as Holdner's require a confined-animal feeding operation permit.
Among other things, owners must have a waste management plan that describes how they will prevent waste from entering creeks, ponds, groundwater or other "waters of the state."
Attorneys with the Oregon Department of Justice's Environmental Crimes Unit prosecuted the case. In a statement, Attorney General John Kroger said the sentencing sends the message that polluting the state's rivers is not acceptable.
"Prosecuting cases like this ensures that businesses who comply with environmental laws are not at a competitive disadvantage," he said.
-- Eric Mortenson

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Breaking News! Scappoose Fred Meyer- Kroger Corporation Taste of Mexico Mexican Flag Illegal Mexicans

  •  Fred Meyer is once again promoting Mexico , illegal aliens, and the North American Union.

  •  It's called the Taste Of Mexico Campaign, three weeks of Americans of pushing Globalism .As I was in the store this Saturday, May 30th,two blond women employees were putting up a banner with the mexican colors in the cheese department, the over-priced imported cheese department. This was next to a display of a Palm Tree surrounded by cases of Mexican Beer. Below are pictures from an earlier sell-out to Mexico, where they had the Mexican flag, the statue of Liberty in Mexican colors and Corona beer
  • . In the store on Saturday June7th, the entire display was even worse, with the American  workers wearing aprons promoting Mexico, not Sauvie Island Strawberries .
  • There were four gangster Mexican illegals or anchor babies. The female was about four feet tall and three feet wide, as naked as possible with tattoos, The males looked like they stole cars for a living. As I was walking by them, overheard one of the Generic Mexicans  say : " shaving your balls makes you more attractive to women"  

  •  Oregon is really about Palm Trees and Mexican Beer, so it's not the natives of Oregon, but
    the illegal Mexicans and their anchor babies, who have re-invented themselves as Latinos to hide their immigration status.
  •  Way to go Fred Meyer, but then the manager is from China and Fred Meyer , which is owned by Kroger corporation , is heavily pro-amnesty and foreign nationals.
     They make a lot of money with illegal Mexicans using  Western Union to wire remittances back to Mexico. So much so that the display area at the customer service area has a western Union provided display area,  with many non-white photos off their customers. Not a single white person in the display, as why promote a service  that white people don't use? 

  •  Fred Meyer

    Fred Meyer

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  • Tuesday, May 27, 2014




    ( notice all the articles on the high cost of housing? Do the Math, if the illegal aliens hadn't come to the US , 28 million strong and breeding and if the US was allowing millions more legally in terms of Green Cards, we would have cheap housing , we , as citizens, wouldn't have the high stress levels we do now. Housing costs began to go up when Reagan gave all the illegals Amnesty in 1986, before that housing was affordable

    A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), provided exclusively to Breitbart News ahead of its release, seeks to counter the talking point that America’s at least 11 million illegal immigrants are “otherwise law-abiding.”

    The 21-page report, titled “The Myth of the ‘Otherwise Law-Abiding’ Illegal Alien,” analyzes which key laws the authors allege illegal immigrants regularly break and other illegal activity they purportedly engage in on a frequent basis. 
    “For years advocates of amnesty and high levels of immigration have described the illegal alien population as one made up of ‘otherwise law-abiding’ people who have committed no violation other than the simple act of crossing a border illegally or overstaying a visa,” report author Jon Feere writes in the introduction. 
    “Journalists routinely invoke this language when writing about amnesty, conspicuously avoiding any discussion of the various crimes the average working illegal alien commits. Many politicians have also embraced the myth of the otherwise law-abiding illegal alien in an effort to promote amnesty, arguing that illegal aliens are no threat to the United States.”
    Specifically, this new CIS report details how illegal aliens regularly engage in violations of laws regarding identities and Social Security numbers. What Feere describes as “examples of oft-violated but under-enforced laws” include the “False Personification of a U.S. Citizen,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 911, “Fraud and False Statements,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and “Social Security Fraud,” a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 408.
    When describing the how illegal immigrants often illegally falsely personify a U.S. citizen, Feere notes that they frequently “present themselves as U.S. citizens, an act punishable by up to five years in jail, a felony. This law is often cited in immigration prosecutions and may involve, for example, an alien claiming U.S. citizenship to his employer.”
    “It is common for illegal aliens to make false statements to the government or on official documents,” Feere added when describing how illegal immigrants often engage in activity that involves fraud and false statements. “An illegal alien violates this law when claiming to be a U.S. citizen on an I-9 Employment Eligibility form and faces a fine and up to five years imprisonment.”
    Regarding Social Security fraud, Feere writes that illegal immigrants will often have “provided a false Social Security number for the purpose of acquiring a job, where an illegal alien used a fraudulent Social Security number for the purpose of acquiring a driver’s license, and when an illegal alien used a Social Security card belonging to a citizen in order to obtain Section 8 housing, for example.
    “Violation of this statute can result in a fine and/or imprisonment up to five years,” Feere writes. “The court can also require violators to provide restitution to the victims.”
    This new report does not get into crimes that some illegal immigrants commit, like gang activity, murders, and drug-related offenses. It focuses solely on the series of laws they break just by entering the country illegally. The report is divided into four sections detailing all the laws illegal aliens break frequently just entering America illegally.
    The first report section deals with how illegal immigrants break laws “involving entry [to the United States], presence [in the country], and travel [throughout].” Violations of U.S. Code frequently committed by such persons include, according to Feere, “improper entry by alien” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1325, “registration of aliens,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1302, “high speed flight from immigration checkpoint,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 758, “unlawful bringing of aliens into United States,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1323, “overstaying duration of stay,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1227(a)(1)(B) & (C)(i), “reentry of removed aliens,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1326, “willful failure or refusal to depart,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1253, “civil penalties for failure to depart,” relating to 8 U.S.C. § 1324d, “failure to comply with terms of release under supervision,”  a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1253(b), “bringing in and harboring certain aliens,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1324, aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter,” a violation of 8 U.S.C. § 1327, and “civil penalty for failure to depart under voluntary departure,” relating to 8 U.S.C. § 1229c(d).” This section of the report also details how illegal aliens frequently engage in activity that constitutes violation of state and local laws, like “driving without license,” “driving without insurance,” “driving without a valid vehicle registration,” and giving “false statement[s] to law enforcement.”
    The second section of the report details the workplace statutes these individuals violate, as well. According to Feere, they include: “False Personation of a U.S. Citizen,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 911, “Fraud and False Statements,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001, “Falsely claiming citizenship,” a violation of both 8 U.S.C. § 1182(a)(6)(C)(ii) and § 1227(a)(3)(D), “fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1546, “penalties for document fraud,” relating to 8 U.S.C. § 1324c, “penalties for Social Security fraud,” relating to 42 U.S.C. § 408, “aggravated identity theft,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1028A, and “willful failure to file return, supply information, or pay tax,” a violation of 26 U.S.C. § 7203.
    The third section of the report details how illegal immigrants frequently break “other document laws,” as well. According to the report, such laws include: “misuse of evidence of citizenship or naturalization,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1423, “procurement of citizenship or naturalization unlawfully,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1425, “reproduction of naturalization or citizenship papers,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1426, “sale of naturalization or citizenship papers,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1427, “naturalization, citizenship, or alien registry,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1015, “fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1028, “possession of false papers to defraud the United States,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1002, “false statement in application and use of passport,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1542, “forgery or false use of passport,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1543, and “misuse of passport,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1544.
    The fourth section of Feere’s report deals with various other “additional laws” that illegal immigrants frequently break. According to the report, they frequently violation “Selective Service registration” laws, engage in “voting by aliens,” a violation of 18 U.S.C. § 611, and in “violations of state laws” like “identity theft, forgery, and tax laws.”
    The report notes that a lot of these laws are not enforced due to President Barack Obama’s “administrative amnesty.”
    “According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency ‘prioritizes the removal of criminal aliens, those who pose a threat to public safety, and repeat immigration violators,’” Feere wrote. 
    Although low-level illegal aliens engaged in basic identity theft do pose a threat to the public, the Obama administration has directed ICE to ignore such criminality and to focus on the "worst of the worst." Often called the White House’s "administrative amnesty," the immigration agenda pursued by the Obama administration is often referred to as a "prioritization" scheme, but it is largely a decision to not deport illegal aliens unless or until a crime of violence has occurred. The policy came into shape through what are known as the "Morton Memos," a series of directives from former ICE director John Morton. The directives resulted in the union for ICE agents taking a vote of "no confidence" against Morton in June 2011.
    Morton resigned this year, after Senate Budget Committee ranking member Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) called for his resignation over those very “Morton Memos.”
    Finally, if Congress does end up granting amnesty, or legal status, to illegal immigrants, Feere’s report notes those illegal immigrants will likely get a pass on many of these other laws they have broken, too
    “As written, violation of any of the dozens of laws listed below, such as those involving identity theft, could result in an illegal alien being deported after paying a fine or serving time in jail for the violation,” Feere states.
    However, proposed amnesties have been written so as to not render an applicant ineligible even if he has violated certain statutes and committed some misdemeanors. And due to political priorities in the Obama administration, many of the laws listed below are not being enforced anyhow. Taken together, these policy prescriptions make the concept of conducting background checks on illegal aliens applying for amnesty somewhat absurd. Nevertheless, some of these crimes currently being committed by illegal aliens can amount to aggravated felonies and would prevent an alien from having "good moral character," permanently barring them from naturalization under existing immigration law.