Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Foreign Nationals Replace Americans in STEM Jobs

 The Myth of the Worker Shortage continues. We don't need any more immigrants , legal or otherwise.Check out all the Nail Salons in Columbia County, staffed by tiny Asian females who are from Asia and barely speak any English. What if an American wants to work for them? Discrimination? Everify? How many of them are here illegally? 
A new study by the Center for Immigration Studies shows that there is not a STEM worker shortage.  Indeed, there are twice as many workers with STEM degrees than exist STEM jobs.  Using employment and wage data, the study found that:
  • Using the most common definition of STEM jobs, total STEM employment in 2012 was 5.3 million workers (immigrant and native), but there are 12.1 million STEM degree holders (immigrant and native).
  • Only one-third of native-born Americans with an undergraduate STEM degree holding a job actually work in a STEM occupation.
  • There are more than five million native-born Americans with STEM undergraduate degrees working in non-STEM occupations: 1.5 million with engineering degrees, half a million with technology degrees, 400,000 with math degrees, and 2.6 million with science degrees.
  • An additional 1.2 million natives with STEM degrees are not working — unemployed or out of the labor force in 2012.
  • Despite the economic downturn, Census Bureau data show that, between 2007 and 2012, about 700,000 new immigrants who have STEM degrees were allowed to settle in the country, yet at the same time, total STEM employment grew by only about 500,000.
  • Of these new immigrants with STEM degrees, only a little more than a third took a STEM job and about the same share took a non-STEM job. The rest were not working in 2012.
Please send a fax to your three Members of Congress and tell them about the study and some of its findings.

Click here to read more from the study

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