Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Columbia County rancher gets $300,000 fine for water pollution; ordered to shut down cattle

Columbia County rancher gets $300,000 fine for water pollution; ordered to shut down cattle 

typical for Columbia County where the motto is " I know someone who works at County so I can't be touched " the oil change place in Scappose was fined for dumping car oil straight into the drains which went out to the river.. Just typical for the anarchism that abounds here. Of course , if they allow a coal plant in Clatsaknie, hundreds of crude oil trains, clear cut logging, and oil barges on the Columbia River, you have to wonder how the cows could possibly be a felony conviction , when there are greater risks with the crude oil they ship through Columbia County
on March 23, 2012 at 8:11 AM, updated March 23, 2012 at 10:15 AM
 A Columbia County cattle rancher with history of regulatory run-ins has been ordered to shut down his operation, fined $300,000 and sentenced to five days in jail for discharging cattle waste into tributaries of the Columbia River.
William Holdner, who turned 86 March 18, was convicted on two felony counts of first-degree water pollution and 25 counts of second-degree water pollution. He can avoid $225,000 of the fine if he complies with a timeline set by the judge, including liquidating his cattle operation within 90 days.
The evidence showed that Holdner illegally discharged cattle waste into Mud Creek and South Scappoose Creek, and ran a cattle operation without proper permits.
According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, cattle ranches such as Holdner's require a confined-animal feeding operation permit.
Among other things, owners must have a waste management plan that describes how they will prevent waste from entering creeks, ponds, groundwater or other "waters of the state."
Attorneys with the Oregon Department of Justice's Environmental Crimes Unit prosecuted the case. In a statement, Attorney General John Kroger said the sentencing sends the message that polluting the state's rivers is not acceptable.
"Prosecuting cases like this ensures that businesses who comply with environmental laws are not at a competitive disadvantage," he said.
-- Eric Mortenson

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