Wednesday, October 16, 2013

American Border Patrol - or How did all those mexicans get here?

Obama to Push Amnesty After Budget/Debt Deal-

Obama to Push Amnesty After Budget/Debt Deal

In an interview with Univision, President Obama said he would push the House to move immigration legislation the "day after" Congress reaches a deal on the federal budget and the debt ceiling. Obama also used his last weekly radio address to stress that “comprehensive immigration reform” was his “number-one priority.”
"We had a very strong Democratic and Republican vote in the Senate," Obama said during the Univision interview. "The only thing right now that’s holding it back is again, Speaker Boehner not willing to call the bill on the floor of the House of Representatives. So we’re going to have to get through this crisis that was unnecessary, that was created because of the obsession of a small faction of the Republican Party on the Affordable Care Act. Once that’s done, you know, the day after I’m going to be pushing to say, call a vote on immigration reform. And if I have to join with other advocates and continue to speak out on that, and keep pushing, I’m going to do so because I think it’s really important for the country. And now is the time to do it."
Obama said he believed a deal would be struck by Thursday - the day the Treasury Department set as a deadline for raising the debt ceiling.
After returning from August recess, the House became consumed with discussions over the debt ceiling, the federal budget for fiscal year 2014, and, tangentially, the Affordable Care Act. No deal developed before October 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year, so elements of the government that were not considered “essential” shut down.
House Democrats introduced their own amnesty bill earlier this month in a effort to jumpstart immigration discussions. But House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said the Democrats’ bill was "basically the Senate bill," which he strongly opposes. House Republican leaders, who have promoting piecemeal immigration legislation, have also said immigration would be on the agenda after the budget and debt issues are resolved.
In an October 15 interview with FOX’s Megyn Kelly, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Tex.) discussed the ongoing budget/debt standoff, including its focus on the Affordable Care Act. Kelly asked Gohmert, “(W)hy not just stay out of it, if ObamaCare is imploding, stay out of it. Let it implode. And then you guys go to 2014, make the case to the American people, it's a bad law.”
Rep. Gohmert responded, “I know that is one contention, but…if we don't like this to (be the) focus -- we had already heard what was coming. As soon as we got beyond this summer, we were going to have an amnesty bill come to the floor. That is what we would have been talking about, and that is where the pivot would have been if we had not focused America on ObamaCare.”
This suggests Rep. Gohmert had a secondary rationale for pursuing a debate over the Affordable Care Act – delaying House consideration of an amnesty bill.
Read more here. Also see the Kelly interview with Rep. Gohmert.


Although comments are moderated, they do not necessarily reflect the views of NumbersUSA or its staff.

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New Mike1111 of CO: We have >7% unemployment and >16% unemployment. We don't need any immigrants right now or for years. Obama is a weak president. Amnesty is a bad idea.
Posted Wed 10/16 5:00pm
New Cynthia2502 of TX: Looks like Rep John Culberson in Texas is going the Ted Poe way. He just emailed a letter stating he was for the piece meal approach.
Posted Wed 10/16 4:44pm
New Brett6588 of CA: Obama is the worst!
Posted Wed 10/16 4:32pm
New Sylvia4936 of CA: Univision? They stink! Of course Obama is safe there!
Their viewers are salivating! And in Spanish!
Posted Wed 10/16 3:54pm
New Sylvia4936 of CA: Please help! Call to oppose amnesty!
Congressman Paul Cook
(202).225.5861 or dial the 24 hour, toll free switchboard at 1 866.220.0044. If it is after business hours, leave a voice mail message.

Congressman Jeff Denham
(202) 225-4540or dial the 24 hour, toll free switchboard at 1 866.220.0044. If it is after business hours, leave a voice mail message.
Posted Wed 10/16 3:52pm
New Aaron8129 of ID: It's too bad he didn't air this on any of the mainstream news networks! If he did even more people would get angier over this issue and it's lack of enforcement in our nation!
Posted Wed 10/16 2:48pm
New Philip5927 of AZ: Yes, I noticed it. Obama prefers Spanish language mainstream media to English language mainstream media because he knows that they always root for amnesty bill to pass.
Posted Wed 10/16 3:20pm
New Philip5927 of AZ: I don't like Obama's same old behavior -- his being too forward and aggressive. I do mean that he is pushy. He always uses his unpleasantly forceful ways to make others do what he wants them to do. House Republicans should NOT pass amnesty bill for him because he already violated all the existing laws in the first place.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Illegal Mexicans Get Star Billing at Saint Helens Public Library October 17th , 2013\

The lobby is now hung with cheerful pictures depicting Illegal Aliens as wonderful family people.
 No mention is made of the costs, or that we don't need them in the US at all, we can harvest our own food mechanically.
 Instead we support Mexico and it's poor, while Americans are displaced over and over again.
 What we need is some people to come as ICE officers on October 17th, since Obama shut down ICE before the government shut-down.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Scappoose Goodwill Thrift : Wonderful Diversity and Lots of Illegal Mexicans and Anchor Babies

Welcome to the New Columbia County Scappoose Goodwill Industries "thrift"store.

 Most Goodwills in Oregon and elsewhere have been taken over by illegal aliens and the millions of wonderful "immigrants" we are so privileged to have in the United States of Mexico.
The Scappoose  Goodwill is the only one in Columbia County  having opened just over a year ago to mixed reviews from the Native English Speaking Americans.
 Most Goodwills have so many illegal mexicans and their brats running around that you feel you  should ask for permission to even enter the store.
 The mexicans and other cultural enrichers are taking over Scappoose Goodwill too, thanks to absolutely no ICE raids in the county.
I went into the Goodwill this week and there was such a mob of mexicans at the register that I couldn't get around them.
 One very hideous, fa,t mexican woman ( the breeder we presume), with a huge belly with at least thirty pounds of pork lard spilling over her tight rhinestone jeans.
 Her face was ugly, fat , brown with eye-shadow was a fluorescent magenta that looked awful. 
Apparently she was dressing up for Halloween early.:)
Her husband looked like the typical No English Mexican who works on construction jobs and landscaping 
 They had five Mexican anchor babies with them, all elementary age girls, which was why it was so hard to get to the register.
 Then, like Mexican illegals everywhere, they caused problems.
 Mr Hardworking Diversity pulled out a crisp hundred dollar bill, which they do not cash at the Goodwill , it requires a manager. 
 So the mexicans said nothing , just stood there like dumb cows, letting the anchor babies obstruct everyone.
 The mexican anchors babies are worth more than $200.00 a month in government subsidies each month, that's why they have piles of cash to spend at the Goodwill and to send back to Mexico.
 Americans are footing the bill for the Mexicans and going under from it.

 So don't give the Goodwill anything good, they encourage mexicans and other illegals. Soon the store won't have anyone going there but illegals. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Police reports: week of Oct. 9 Scappoose St Helens Columbia County Oregon

  Well, I had no idea my neighbors were up to so much

Police reports: week of Oct. 9

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Posted: Wednesday, October 9, 2013 11:19 am
St. Helens Police Department
Sept. 16 – Daniel H. Higley, 52, was arrested on an outstanding warrant.
Sept. 16 – Stephen Lee Hinkle, 39, was arrested for assault following a domestic disturbance.
Sept. 18 – A male adult was transported to a Portland hospital following suicidal threats.
Sept. 19 – A male juvenile was reported as a runaway.
Sept. 19 – A man reported the theft of items from McCormick park.
Sept. 19 – A man reported the theft of a bicycle from Safeway.
Sept. 20 – A man reported the theft of a vehicle from his residence.
Sept. 20 – Ryan G. Irving, 36, was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants.
Sept. 20 – Harold L. Stortz Jr., 46, was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants.
Sept. 20 – Jennifer Soderstrom, 42, was arrested for unlawful possession of methamphetamine and tampering with evidence.
Sept. 20 – Jason A. Cissney, 35, was arrested for providing false information to police, an outstanding warrant, unauthorized use of a vehicle and unlawful possession of methamphetamine.
Sept. 21 – A female adult was transported to a Portland hospital on a mental hold.
Sept. 22 – A woman reported a hit-and-run accident to her vehicle.
Sept. 22 – Kevin C. Smith was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants.
Sept. 22 – The possible violation of a no-contact order is under investigation.
Sept. 23 – A shoplift incident is under investigation.
Sept. 23 – A man reported the theft of a bike.
Sept. 23 – Angela R. Warwick was arrested for assault following a domestic disturbance.
Sept. 24 – A possible violation of a restraining order is under investigation.
Sept. 25 – A possible child abuse is under investigation.
Sept. 25 – A mother/daughter domestic disturbance is under investigation.
Sept. 26 – A female juvenile riding a bike struck a motor vehicle.
Sept. 26 – Black spray paint was applied to a motor vehicle.
Sept. 26 – The theft of items from a residence is under investigation.
Sept. 26 – Black spray paint was applied to the exterior of a residence.
Sept. 27 – A missing adult male was located and returned to his home.
Sept. 27 – A female juvenile was reported as a runaway.
Sept. 27 – Brian Lee Dukes, 33, was arrested for public indecency, theft and burglary following an incident at Bikini Brew Coffee Espresso.
Sept. 28 – Jerry T. Pate, 31, was arrested for initiating a false report and for probation violation.
Sept. 28 – Chris Reynolds, 55, was cited for theft following a shoplift incident at Wal-Mart.
Sept. 29 – Joshua J. Finan, 28, was arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants.
Sept. 30 – A credit card from a lost wallet was used.
Oct. 1 – A juvenile welfare check at a residence revealed unsanitary living conditions.
Oct. 2 – Elizabeth Snider, 27, was arrested on an outstanding St. Helens Municipal Court warrant.
Oct. 2 – Daniel James Hobson was arrested for contempt of court and on an outstanding St. Helens Municipal Court warrant.
Oct. 2 – An unknown person used a block of wood to break the window of a residence on Barr Ave.

Columbia County Sheriff’s Office
Sept. 27 – Deputies responded to an audible alarm at St. Helens Auto Center.
Sept. 27 – CCSO served a search warrant in the 56000 block of McDonald Road.
Sept. 27 – Deputies responded to a 9-1-1 hang-up in the 53000 block of Columbia River Highway.
Sept. 27 – Deputies responded to a 9-1-1 hang-up in the 34000 block of Bachelor Flat Road.
Sept. 27 – CCSO responded to a suicide threat in the 50000 block of Columbia River Highway.
Sept. 28 – Deputies responded to a 9-1-1 hang-up in the 70000 block of Nicolai Road.
Sept. 28 – A cold case of fraudulent activity was reported in the 33000 block of Wikstrom Raod.
Sept. 28 – CCSO conducted a death investigation in the 11000 block of Deep Creek Road.
Sept. 28 – Deputies investigated two marine calls on the Columbia River.
Sept. 28 – A domestic dispute in progress was reported in the 31000 block of Dutch Canyon Road.
Sept. 28 – Deputies assisted fire and rescue at Highway 30 and Lindberg Road.
Sept. 28 – A person was reported to be intoxicated near milepost 19 on the Scappoose Vernonia Highway.
Sept. 28 – An assault was reported at Rainier High School.
Sept. 28 – Deputies investigated a juvenile situation in the 18000 block of Johnson Road.
Sept. 29 – A vehicle was reported stolen from the 53000 block of West Lane Road.
Sept. 29 – Deputies assisted Rainier Police with a pursuit.
Sept. 29 – It was reported an assault just occurred in the 74000 block of Doan Road.
Sept. 29 – It was reported suspicious circumstances just occurred in the 34000 block of Pittsburg Road.
Sept. 30 – A theft was reported in progress in the 79000 block of Erickson Dike Road.
Sept. 30 – Deputies responded to a suicide threat in the 65000 block of Meissner Road.
Sept. 30 – CCSO responded to a non-injury vehicle crash at Alston Mayger and Alston roads.
Sept. 30 – A cold theft case was reported from the 54000 block of Sam Blehm Road.
Sept. 30 – Deputies responded to a suicide threat in the 67000 block of Nicolai Road.
Oct. 1 – A cold theft case was reported in the 19000 block of Beaver Falls Road.
Oct. 1 – A burglary was reported in progress in the 34000 block of Berg Road.
Oct. 1 – It was reported a trespass had just occurred in the 73000 block of Fern Hill Road.
Oct. 1 – CCSO responded to a juvenile situation in the 18000 block of Johnson Road.
Oct. 2 – A suspicious vehicle was reported in the 33000 block of Tide Creek Road.
Oct. 2 – A cold case of fraudulent activity was reported in the 16000 block of Keasey Road.
Oct. 2 – A cold case of fraudulent activity was reported in the 31000 block of Pisgah Home Road.
Oct. 2 – CCSO responded to a non-injury traffic accident at Apiary and Karr roads.
Oct. 2 – A cold case of fraudulent activity was reported in the 75000 block of Leloff Lane.
Oct. 3 – A cold burglary case was reported in the 20000 block of Johns District Road.
Oct. 3 – A vehicle was reported stolen from the 58000 block of Columbia River Highway.

Scappoose Police Department
Sept. 22 – Police took a report of assault IV in the 51000 block of SE Sixth Street.
Sept. 28 – Police responded to the 33000 block of NE Williams Street on a report of harassment.
Sept. 28 – Police responded to the Scappoose Police Department regarding a dog bite.
Sept. 29 – Police assisted DHS in the 52000 block of SE Fourth Street.
Sept. 30 – Police responded to an audible alarm in the 52000 block of SW Eggleston Lane.
Sept. 30 – Police assisted DHS in the 52000 block of Fourth Street.
Sept. 30 – Police took a report of a found skate board in the 52000 block of SE Third Street.
Oct. 1 – Police responded to Columbia River Highway near SW JP West Road for a traffic crash. Following an investigation, Bethany Barnett was cited for failure to yield entering the highway.
Oct. 1 – Police responded to the 52000 block of SW Fourth Street on a report of an outstanding detainer from Columbia County Parole and Probation. Gerald Richards, 24, was arrested and taken into custody. He was booked and lodged intot he Columbia County Jail.
Oct. 2 – Police arrested Debra Sells-Brady, 49, on SW EM Watts Road near SW Johanna Drive for an outstanding detainer out of the Scappoose Municipal Court. She was booked and lodged into the Columbia County Jail.
Oct. 3 – Police arrested Daniel Mikesh, 24, on SE Frederick near SE Third Street following a traffic stop. He was cited for violation of the speed limit and an outstanding warrant out of the Scappoose Municipal Court. He was booked and lodged at the Columbia County Jail.
Oct. 4 – Police responded to 9-1-1 hang-ups in the 33000 block of SE Myrtle Street and the 52000 block of SE Third Place.

68 Percent of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens.In Columbia County Scappoose

68% of Americans Oppose Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens

A new poll from Rasmussen finds that 68% of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. The poll comes just a few days after the state with the nation's largest illegal-alien population - California - signed into law a bill that allows illegal aliens to obtain a driver's license. Only 22% of Americans think illegal aliens should be allowed to legally obtain a license and those are anchor babies , children of illegal aliens.
The poll also asked Americans for their opinion on whether illegal aliens should be eligible for in-state tuition. Seventy-five pecent of Americans said they don't think illegal aliens should be eligible for in-state tuition, while only 17% said yes. Americans were split on whether or not children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school.
For more on the poll, see Rasmussen Reports

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Scappoose Oregon Breitbart News The Best News Source in United States - Anti Obama Anti Amnesty

 Breitbart News- For those who think Huffington Post and NPR and the Oregonian are only telling us lies and promoting their own open borders agenda.

 Great to hear the Oregonian no longer delivers it's pro-amnesty pro Mexican Illegals papers to private homes.
 You see they relied on illegal aliens from Mexico to deliver the papers and so now the mexicans have lost yet another illegal job source.