Showing posts with label oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Oregon mexicans traffic accidents crash driving while mexican columbia county outsourcing American st helens oregon CCRider. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. Oregon mexicans traffic accidents crash driving while mexican columbia county outsourcing American st helens oregon CCRider. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

68 Percent of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens.In Columbia County Scappoose

68% of Americans Oppose Driver's Licenses for Illegal Aliens

A new poll from Rasmussen finds that 68% of Americans oppose giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens. The poll comes just a few days after the state with the nation's largest illegal-alien population - California - signed into law a bill that allows illegal aliens to obtain a driver's license. Only 22% of Americans think illegal aliens should be allowed to legally obtain a license and those are anchor babies , children of illegal aliens.
The poll also asked Americans for their opinion on whether illegal aliens should be eligible for in-state tuition. Seventy-five pecent of Americans said they don't think illegal aliens should be eligible for in-state tuition, while only 17% said yes. Americans were split on whether or not children of illegal aliens should be allowed to attend public school.
For more on the poll, see Rasmussen Reports