Wednesday, January 7, 2015

illegal-immigration-spikes-caribbean-amid-perceived-changes-immigration-system due to Obama

Haitians Cubans Run for US after Obama's Congresses Illegal Amnesty 2015

1 comment:

eyeontruth said...

IRS Gave $14 Billion in Refundable Tax Credits to Illegals

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., both said the immigration bill they helped push through the Senate was designed to "bring people out of the shadows."

Yet, if illegal aliens are truly in the shadows, why has the Internal Revenue Service been able to find enough of them to pay them more than $14 billion in refundable tax credits? right now my husband and I are fighting to get the IRS to stop garishing his SS disability checks, and refund wrongful money taken from us..we had to pay a CPA $1,500 just to do this while the IRS allowed illegals to scam us all out of billions