Bravo to the person at St Helen's  Walmart Friday Night , who was collecting signatures to stop Kitzhaber's Fascist Move to give driver's  licenses  to Illegal aliens, after the voters said no. Of course many of the shoppers at Walmart are illegal aliens, or citizens who mated with an illegal alien and popped out a little anchor baby. Of course we aren't allowed to call them Mexicans, the are hispanics.

 Asian illegals are also on the upswing , as ICE never bothers to check for visa overstays. An entire village  from China or Taiwan can move to St Helens and never return, but no one says anything. We need more nail salons, really we do.

Protect Oregon Driver Licenses Aims to Put SB 833 on the 2014 Ballot

Last spring, the Oregon Legislature rushed through a bill to grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in the state.
Since Oregon residents weren't given the opportunity to comment on the bill — SB 833 — before Governor Kitzhaber signed it into law, Oregonians for Immigration Reform (OFIR) initiated a veto referendum, a process that allows voters to approve or reject legislation adopted by the Oregon Legislature.
In June, they launched Protect Oregon Driver Licenses and are actively working to gather the 58,142 signatures that the state requires to place the referendum on the 2014 ballot.
With the deadline of Friday, September 27 quickly approaching, Protect Oregon Driver Licenses is using creative methods to gather signatures:
  • Holding "Drive-Through Democracy" events where they ask Oregon voters to sign the petition while waiting in drive-thru lines at fast food restaurants
  • Attending farmers markets, fairs and community events throughout the state
  • Publishing a town "honor list" to encourage voters in every city and town in the state to participate
Jim Ludwick, communications director for OFIR, says he is confident they can gather the required signatures by the deadline.

If you would like to learn more about this effort to place SB 833 on the 2014 ballot, visit