Friday, February 6, 2015

Reo Suzanne Bonamici Stop Birthright Citizenship No More Anchor Babies

Representative Suzanne Bonamici
U.S. House of Representatives, 439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
I was in Hillsboro, Oregon and I counted 36 mexican anchor babies leaving the middle school and about 4 native Oregonians. We are paying for their schools, they are building new schools in Oregon,just for the anchor babies and that's money out of your retirement ,not to mention food stamps and free medical and they wire money home. 
Dear Representative Bonamici,
The United States should not reward individuals who have broken our nation's laws. With this in mind, I hope you'll support legislation (specifically, H.R. 140 offered by Rep. Steve King) revising America's laws so that the children of illegal aliens are not rewarded with birthright citizenship.

8 U.S. Code § 1401 currently says that "a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth." Clearly, the Constitution does not need to be changed in order to prevent the children of illegal aliens from receiving birthright citizenship; a simple piece of legislation will do. 

The United States is almost the only industrialized nation to still practice jus soli -- birthright citizenship. I expect you to help America get with the times by supporting legislation that would change our nation's laws and prevent the children of illegal aliens from receiving birthright citizenship. When this is done, illegal aliens will have one less anchor keeping them in this country, thereby opening of millions of jobs for America's unemployed.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Illegal Aliens Obama Border Surge and Amnesty Brought Measles Epidemic

5 Babies At Illinois Daycare Center Diagnosed With Measles

diseased illegal aliens welcomed by Obama 
another anchor baby paid for by US taxpayers

Posted Thursday, February 5th 2015 @ 1pm  by 24/7 News

Amazing how every news story forgets to admit that we have open borders , a huge surge last year of illegals due to Obama and about 28 million illegals , who operate outside the system.

Five babies at a Chicago-area daycare center have been diagnosed with measles. The cluster of measles was discovered at a KinderCare Learning Center in Palatine. Anyone who hasn't had a measles vaccination is being told to stay away from the daycare center for the next three weeks. The source of the infection is unknown.

The news comes as the nation is in the midst of a multi-state measles outbreak. It started in California in December and has now spread to at least 14 state

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Homelessness Skyrockets in Sanctuary City New York City due to 500K Illegal Aliens

Homeless skyrockets in New York City due to Illegal aliens
amazing that the invasion of millions of illegals is never considered when stories about homelessness, high rents, no jobs etc  are written.

New York City Creates ID card so 500k illegal aliens can get services and you wonder why homelessness is skyrocketing

NYC creates ID card so 500K illegal immigrants can get services


 - The Washington Times - Friday, July 11, 2014
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law a measure that creates a municipal identification card that can now be used by illegal immigrants to access government services, rent an apartment and open a bank account.
“Today we’re living up to our highest ideals, and today we’re saying that no one should be left out,” said City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, calling the signing of the bill into law an “historic” moment, the New York Daily News reported. Ms. Mark-Viverito, along with fellow council members Carlos Menchaca and Daniel Dromm — all Democrats — said the new ID card gives the city’s estimated 500,000 illegal immigrants the opportunity to open bank accounts and rent housing, and even take advantage of certain government services.
Mr. de Blasio touted the ID card as a security measure for police and citizens.
“We want all New Yorkers to feel very comfortable working with the police,” he said, the New York Daily News reported. “We want them to be very able to identify themselves to police and do it in an atmosphere of safety. This is going to play a crucial role in deepening the relationship between police and community, including a lot of our immigrant communities.”
The card technically is for any city resident. But applicants aren’t going to be asked about their legal status, and council members and the mayor say it’s really aimed at helping the city’s most left-out citizens — the illegals.
“Even for those who already have ID, we’re going to make sure that this card brings a lot to the equation, a lot of benefits that will go with it,” Mr. de Blasio said, the New York Daily News reported. “But for those who don’t have ID, it’s going to be crucial.”

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I wish Mindy Kaling was Invisbile or Why Doesn't She Go Back to India and Marry a Nice Dark Male?

"Her whole dingy cute white girl trapped in an unattractive Hindu female body and the “laughs” she tries to squeeze out of that paradigm gets really old, really fast. Overrated. Big time."
 Basically it's because she is the Pet Non_White Immigrant Female who is only tolerated because she is the Pet Non_White Immigrant Female. She is 35 and so past the I am so cute phase but she doesn't know it . She needs to go back to India and get herself married off to some guy with a turban and eyeliner.
 Does everyone know that Dot Indians cannot be deported because India will not accept return of  citizens from India or that dot Indians are hired over legal Americans because they will work cheaper? 

Borrowed from some other site ( Talent borrows Genius Steals)
’ll preface this by saying that I’m definitely not a Mindy Kaling fan. I don’t find her funny, charming, endearing or anything of the sort, but some people do, and that’s what life’s about – personal taste. Clearly the graduating class at Harvard Law School was pleased to see Mindy when she was the speaker at their Class Day ceremony this past week.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Liam Neeson Looks Neanderthal

Liam Neesom Neanderthal ?

  I am neanderthal too, it's just that Neeson's nose and brow line , along with his massive biuld all look Neanderthal.  
 Carson on " Downton Abbey" does too.
It should be considered a compliment as  Europeans are of Neanderthal descent and Black Africans are not.
 NO out of africa here 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Criminal Mexican Arrested Re-entering US after Deportation by US Marshall

Why would an illegal immigrant be detained with the US Marshals instead of ICE?

Asked about 1 year ago - Houston, TX
My brother in law does have a criminal record here in houston tx. The charges were DUI, Drugs, Theft, and domestic violence. He served a year in TDCJ for theft and then was deported. He recently was caught crossing the border illegally and is currently in custody with the US Marshals. Is his past record the reason he is there instead of in ICE? Thank you!


  1. Alejandro E. Garcia


    Contributor Level 14


    Lawyers agree
    Answered Illegal reentry after a deportation is a federal felony. They might be prosecuting for that crime.
  2. Wendy Rebecca Barlow

    Contributor Level 20


    Lawyers agree
    Answered Your brother-in-law is likely in the custody of the U.S. Marshals pending criminal prosecution. Illegal re-entry is a criminal offense punishable by jail time and/or fine.