Thursday, February 27, 2014

St Helens Public LIbrary Gives Free Library Cards to Illegal aliens- Charges Citizens

  The St Helens Public Library, appears to be yet another liberal, pro-amnesty kind of place,.
 As a matter of fact they never have  much of anything but pro illegal information on display.
  Most of the illegal aliens in Columbia County are living in slums in St Helens ,where library cards are free, but anyone living outside has to pay $ 40.00 a year.

 Most of those living outside are not illegal aliens and many are educated, unlike those in the section 8 ghetto, known as St Helens.
 As it turns out , a legal citizen has to pay, while the mexicans get free cards..
 Great isn't it?
 The library also buys lots of Pro-Black diversity books for kids, that are never checked out, because neither whites or mexicans want to read about blacks, so after wasting taxpayer money, they sell the books off for 50 cents.
 Last week, they had a book by Sotomayo, the La Raza bigot appointed by Obama to the Supreme Court , along with an info sheet of her wonderful qualities. 
Latino Bigot Sotomayo and La Raza

 It would be nice if those who oppose amnesty would let the library know they don't want their money spent on promoting Amnesty. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Walmart HIres White Americans to Landscape Parking Lot St Helens 97051

 Shock of all Shocks- Walmart, the low-paying illegal hiring, selling shoddy products from China, Company actually hired two Legal Americans , two young white guys, to clean up and maintain shrubs in the St Helen's Parking lot.
 Absolutely Perfect Landscaping - 503 543 8852

 I guess Ramos Landscaping Maintenance with his crew of illegal alien relatives from Mexico was over-booked. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Scappoose Goodwill Fail: Hires A Mexican : Fat Mexican Females tries to Scam Clerks

Seems the illegal aliens with their  Anchor Babies are taking over the Scappoose Goodwill in Columbia County Oregon, to the point where they have now hired a Mexican for the store.
 Nope, not a local boy, just another huge over-fed Mexican.
 I watched a Fat Mexican female with three anchors, try to pull a Mexican trick.
 This is where they go to a garage sale and only pull out a few dollars and try to not pay the full amount.
 A Fat Illegal Mexican woman with a microwave at $40.00 , hands the cashier $28.00 in cash. The cashier ( who should be fired for this)
 smiles warmly and tells her she needs more money.
 A slow motion drama unfolds as the Fat Mexican Puta , digs through every pocket of her purse, slowly adding  to the pile  and each time, doesn't put down enough as  she  looks confused.
 Eventually, (as the line forms around the block, due to this being the only cashier,) she reaches $40.00, only the price is $40.48.
 The cashier beams; mexicans are so sweet , they just don't know how to count.
 Fat Mexican Cow leaves with her Three Anchors to the family  truck- her hideous mexican husband was waiting in the cab.
 He thought the cashier would give her a deal , because she had so many kids and she was so short and foreign.
 The Mexican's Truck is a expensive late model , that no poor person could afford. The plates are Oregon 311 FMM.
 The cashier could have given her a look early on to let the Fat Mexican know her con game wouldn't work, or she could have called for backup as soon as the woman came to the register.
 She waited until there was a line, time to replace her with a Fat Mexican.

Oil Trains Explode St Helens Oregon 97051 at Risk

OIl Trains Explode _ Columbia County at Risk

The thing about Columbia County is the highway is next to the railroads, and any drunk logger could smash into them and explode the trains.
 In addition, the coal companies etc et all, have decided to increase the number of trains with oil , even though most of our cities in this county  have trains running through them.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Boycott Skinny's Texaco 373 S Columbia River Hwy Saint Helens OR 97051 Hiring Mexicans

Skinny's Texaco

373 S Columbia River HwySaint Helens OR 97051
(503) 397-0043
 Skinny's is owned by a family in Columbia County with a lot of cash and clout. I noted months ago they were hiring an illegal appearing Mexican at the pumps.
 This week they were putting in some lines and the entire crew looked to be fresh out of Mexico or Honduras, not a single local boy in the mix
  Of course, since Obama shut down ICE there won't be any fines or deportations.

Oil Train Shipment Explodes North Dakota Canada and perhaps Soon St Helens Oregon

for Columbia County St Helens etc 97051-
oil is being shipped by train through our county day and night and they plan to increase shipments. We are also at risk for death from explosion or toxic clouds. The PUD really needs to put out a calendar showing the trains going through blocking traffic carrying oil and trees. That's the real story in this community.
officials are urging residents of a small North Dakota town to evacuate after a mile-long train carrying crude oil collided with another train, triggering a series of thunderous explosions and sending toxic fumes into the air.
About 2,400 people live in Casselton, a mile from Monday's fiery derailment. The Cass County Sheriff's Office is "strongly recommending" an evacuation of the city of Casselton and anyone residing five miles to the south and east of the town.
The main concern for residents' safety is related to the fumes from the fire, Cass County Sheriff's spokeswoman Sgt. Tara Morris said. There's a high-pressure system coming in that is expected to push the plume of smoke into town.
Cass County Sheriff Paul Laney said, "Our job right now is to protect the citizens of Casselton and the surrounding area and that's what we intend to do."
About 65 percent of residents had evacuated the area as of Monday night, according to the Cass County Sheriff's Office.
People who have respiratory conditions such as asthma, emphysema or bronchitis are urged to stay inside if they have not already evacuated.
"Crude oil, as it burns, has a lot of particulate matter in it, lot of fumes and other bad things that are really bad for people, especially those with respiratory illnesses," Dr. John Baird of Fargo-Cass Public Health said.
No injuries have been reported.
Authorities will let the fires burn, hoping some of the oil will burn off and make the job for firefighters easier in this morning, Sheriff's spokeswoman Morris said.
Officials don't expect any more explosions even though 18 cars were still burning today as of 1:30 a.m. ET, she added.
Authorities hadn't yet been able to untangle what exactly caused the derailment, but an investigation is underway. A train carrying grain derailed first, and then knocked several cars of its crude oil train off adjoining tracks, BNSF Railway Co. spokeswoman Amy McBeth said.
Video taken three quarters of a mile away captured the moment one of the train cars exploded. A mushroom cloud of fire blasted into the sky and then black smoke smothered the surrounding area as the wreckage continued to burn. The flames created dark clouds that could be seen for 15 miles.
"It was almost like nighttime," eyewitness Loren Parks said. "It was just dark. The entire sky is just blacked out, you can't see anything."
There were 112 cars in the westbound grain train and 106 cars in the eastbound crude oil train, according to BNSF. The majority of train cars were not derailed and pulled away from the derailment location.
Only 20 people have gathered at a middle school in Fargo, which has been turned into a shelter, Sheriff's spokeswoman Morris said. Evacuations for residents of Casselton will remain voluntary, she added.
This explosion is the third accident in the past six months involving trains transporting North Dakota crude oil. No injuries or deaths were reported when a 90-car train derailed in rural Alabama in November, but the aftermath is still being cleaned up.
In July, an oil train derailment in Quebec killed nearly 50 people.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Habitat For Humanity Pollutes Columbia County
Habitat for Humanity- in St Helens  has a free pile of wood that consists of particle board and other wood furniture impregnated with toxic chemicals that should never be burnt, ever.
 It is against the law in Columbia county to burn this wood.

 So why are they leaving out a free pile for poor people or just really uncaring stupid people to burn.

  It is being burned by the way in fireplaces around the county and the air stinks because of it. 
  Damaged furniture goes to the landfill , not into our air.