Wednesday, October 9, 2013

President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler- Obama Parties While He Shuts down the Borders and National Parks

Like many Republican lawmakers, Brenda Barton is furious that the federal government shutdown has forced the closure of national parks.

Barton, an Arizona state representative, took toFacebook to express her fury in a series of status updates Monday. In one, she compared President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler.

"Someone is paying the National Park Service thugs overtime for their efforts to carry out the order of De Fuhrer," Barton wrote. "[W]here are our Constitutional Sheriffs who can revoke the Park Service Rangers authority to arrest??? Do we have any Sheriffs with a pair?"

Fuhrer, the German term for leader, is most often associated with Hitler.
"While the POTUS continues to punish the American people," Barton continued, "he keeps open his golf course, he keeps open Camp David, and he retains his and his wife's excessive staff and stable of Czars! I'll bet he has kept in service his 3 food tasters!!!"

The federal government has been in partial shutdown since Oct. 1 after the Republican-controlled House refused to pass legislation to fund government services unless the president's health care law is delayed or defunded. Obama has refused to negotiate over his signature domestic legislation, otherwise known as Obamacare.

"The Chief Executive is acting as an Imperial President," she added, "without regard to his citizens, only caring about his agenda. With all the exemptions he has unilaterally bestowed on many interest groups, could he not delay the ACA Individual Mandate for a single year? Without regard for the elected House of Representatives. What do you call that?"

But it was the comparison to Hitler that drew criticism from many, including Arizona House Democrats.

 Mexican La Raza : "You owe an apology to the President, and Arizona for embarrassing us," Rep. Ruben Gallegowrote on Twitter. "You [are] potentially creating problems for many government employees. [W]hat you are saying is completely incorrect and illegal."

In an interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, Barton stood by the comparison.

“He’s dictating beyond his authority,” she said of Obama. “It’s not just the death camps. (Hitler) started in the communities, with national health care and gun control. You better read your history. Germany started with national health care and gun control before any of that other stuff happened. And Hitler was elected by a majority of people."

“It got your attention,” she added. “[President Obama is] doing something controversial. It’s not controversial that I’m criticizing him. I don’t think that’s controversial at all.”

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bravo Fish and Chips Return to Saint Helens Oregon 97051 Next to Safeway with the Hispanic Food

One of the many problems with the largest invasion of our history as a country, (I mean immigration-legal or otherwise ), is the insane devotion to Mexican food.
 Mexican food, if you want to call it that, has taken over hot dog stands, and Fish & Chips.
 It is hard to even find a Fish and Chips place, even at the Oregon coast.,
 Manzanita, Oregon and Tillamook all have Mexican eateries ( run by illegal mexicans), rather than Fish & Chips.
Well, Saint Helens, Oregon, now has a Fish and Chips Place, right next to Safeway, on Highway 30.
 It's in the back , so you have to look to see it.
 They have Halibut, Cod, and Tuna.
 Nothing is in Spanish , Yeah
 It's an American business and locally owned and operated.
 The fish is good as are the fries. 
 There are at least three mexican places within 10 blocks, all hiring illegal mexicans.
More about Fish And Chips

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Day of Dignity & Respect' rallies especially undermine real immigrants Columbia County Oct 17th St Helens Library

On October 17th, at the St Helens Library, guilt ridden whites , can learn about how they owe illegal Hispanics the shirt off their backs


Illegal Aliens probably count for more the a third of the population increase in St Helens Oregon 97051 since 2000, the other 66 percent are most likely from Northeast Portland  who moved here to get their NOHA Section 8 Housing and felons , who have shacked up with the 12 percent of single mothers

Day of Dignity & Respect' rallies especially undermine real immigrants

Rallies planned for 150 cities tomorrow as a "National Day of Immigrant Dignity and Respect" could just as easily be called the "Anti-Labor Day" or the "Immigrant Perpetual Poverty Day." 
All American workers suffer under current uncontrolled immigration policies and would suffer much more if the sponsors of the rallies get their "comprehensive immigration reform" that would give lifetime work permits to at least 11 million illegal aliens and around 20 million new legal immigrants over the next ten years.
But the workers who would suffer the most, would be the legal immigrants who arrived here the last 10-20 years.
That's because the more than 30 million new lifetime work permits under the Senate-passed S. 744 would go to people who disproportionately settle in the same neighborhoods as those previous immigrants and who have similar education and job skills and who look for work in the same occupations.
Recent immigrants and the second generation of earlier immigrants are having a really hard time with high unemployment and low incomes.  Most of them are working occupations where employers have a never-ending supply of new immigrants and illegal aliens who are ready to do just about anything to out-compete those already here.
This is not unusual in our history. 
People tend to remember stories of immigrants who arrive with nothing and who work their way into the middle class or even riches.
But researching my books on immigration, I found those stories were the rare exceptions during periods of mass immigration.  They became commonplace only after Congress greatly reduced immigration numbers to around traditional averages.
History shows that a sincere Day of Dignity and Respect for Immigrants would be pushing for the adoption of the recommendations of Barbara Jordan's bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform that would cut legal immigration at least in half and would once and for all remove the ability of foreign citizens to illegally take U.S. jobs.  That would allow the labor market to begin tightening, something that throughout our history has raised the incomes of all workers, but especially the tens of millions of recent immigrants.

But everything about the rallies is aimed at creating open borders with gigantic future flows of foreign workers that will further depress U.S. wages and force more Americans to become dependent upon the government.
Nothing about the rallies shows any respect for the dignity of the average American worker.
NumbersUSA is currently mobilizing our activists across the country to contact their members of Congress and to demand an immigration policy that respects and dignifies all legal American workers -- whether foreign-born or U.S.-born -- instead of rewarding lawbreakers with lifetime work permits to compete against Americans. 
Amnesty with work permits is simply not the answer when 20 million unemployed Americans still can't find a full-time job, and when the wages of tens of millions of others are depressed due to Congress quadrupling the level of immigrant workers over the last few decades.
ROY BECK is Founder & President of NumbersUSA

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Views and opinions expressed in blogs on this website are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect official policies of NumbersUSA.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Open Borders La Raza Illegal Aliens Come to the St Helens Public Library October 17th


 Deport Illegal Aliens- Don't patronize or hire foreign nationals until you have used E verify on their social security number ( most likely stolen)Get involved at
funded by you the taxpayer as always,: The Rural Organizing Project in Scappoose Oregon is behind this,  Po box 1350,Scappoose  Oregon 97056.
La Raza Terrorist Group in Rural Oregon Counties Latinos For the Race Everything
Americans can sob and play violin music while Illegal aliens, especially hand-picked for their sympathy quota, can wring our hearts dry and our paychecks. 
Because one thing you can count on with those against Borders, who view the US as a fascist country that oppresses their right to the American Dream, one thing you can count is they always want to cash in on every government program we have to the max.  Pregnant illegal aliens can now get free medical care in Oregon and that includes the hospital delivery.
 When they have the baby, they get  food stamps and WIC and more medical and  free housing and schooling. 
 And they have brought to the US the same crime they wanted to leave behind, because they are the problem and it's not our problem to solve. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Illegal Aliens Cost Oregonians One Billion in 2012 : Deport Boycott Mexkcan Run Eateries in St Helens Oregon

nest... Stop buying Mexican food and that means MacDonalds in St Helens , run by illegal Mexicans.

Munoz Construction Mexican who hires Illegal Mexicans Fined 70,000 for Willful Fall Violation

... You mean his crew of Mexican /hispanic illegals, working illegally ? When his mexicans fall off the roof etc, they go to the nearest hospital where taxpayers pick up the tab, yet ICE isn't contacted and there are no deportations
Oregon OSHA cites Cornelius construction company $70,000 for willful fall violation
Oregon Dept. of Consumer & Business Services - 10/02/13

Oregon OSHA cited Munoz Construction for not protecting workers from falls at a site in Portland.
Oregon OSHA cited Munoz Construction for not protecting workers from falls at a site in Portland.
(Salem) - The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division (Oregon OSHA) cited Munoz Construction $70,000 for not protecting its employees from falls. The fine was based on a willful violation and was the result of an inspection at a Portland apartment complex on Feb. 27, 2013. The employer appealed the citation but agreed to it following an informal conference with Oregon OSHA.

During the inspection, an Oregon OSHA inspector observed two employees working on a second-story roof standing on trusses. Neither employee was wearing fall protection. The owner was on site and said his employees were comfortable working without fall protection, even though it was available in the company trailer.

"Falls are the primary source of serious injury and deaths in construction," said Oregon OSHA Administrator Michael Wood. "With that in mind, there is simply no excuse for an employer to decide that compliance with the rules is not necessary."

Under Oregon OSHA's rules, employers must protect employees from falls when working at heights of 10 feet or more. The typical penalty for a first-time violation ranges from $400 to $1,000 for a small employer and increases with each repeat violation. A willful violation, where an employer intentionally or knowingly allows a violation to occur, can result in a $70,000 penalty.

Munoz Construction was also cited $2,920 for a repeat fall violation on Sept. 13, 2013, at a site in North Plains, Ore. Employees were working at 12 feet on a house without fall protection.

In addition to the 10-foot rule, employees working at six feet or above a lower level also need to be protected from falls near open windows, doors, mezzanines, balconies, or walkways. There are different ways to comply with Oregon OSHA's fall protection rule, such as using guardrails, catch platforms, and personal fall arrest systems. Since 2000, the agency has placed an emphasis on fall hazard inspections in construction.

More details can be found on Oregon OSHA's website at Federal OSHA also has training tools and posters available to help raise awareness around falls:


About Oregon OSHA:
Oregon OSHA, a division of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, enforces the state's workplace safety and health rules and works to improve workplace safety and health for all Oregon workers. For more information, go to

The Department of Consumer and Business Services is Oregon's largest business regulatory and consumer protection agency. For more information, go to
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Attached Media Files: Oregon OSHA cited Munoz Construction for not protecting workers from falls at a site in Portland

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pregnant Illegal ALien Females Now Get Free Medical in Oregon No More Anchor Babies Stop Birth Tourism

Illegal Alien Pregnant Breeders Now Get Free Prenatal Care Thanks to Oregon Taxpayers

 Ps the Oregonian Newspaper is completely in favor of the invasion from Mexico and other third world countries, and supports Amnesty. No more anchor babies, stop birthright citizenship. Illegals have figured out that coming to the US and getting pregnant is like winning the lottery..

Ilegal Aliens are moving into Columbia County at an increasing rate. Don't eat at Mexican Food Places and let the local government know you don't want illegals here.
 Our local government is contracting out to illegal aliens for yardwork and for carpentry , such as the Forestry Center in Columbia City and CC Ryder's transit center.