On October 17th, at the St Helens Library, guilt ridden whites , can learn about how they owe illegal Hispanics the shirt off their backs
Illegal Aliens probably count for more the a third of the population increase in St Helens Oregon 97051 since 2000, the other 66 percent are most likely from Northeast Portland who moved here to get their NOHA Section 8 Housing and felons , who have shacked up with the 12 percent of single mothers
Day of Dignity & Respect' rallies especially undermine real immigrants

Rallies planned for 150 cities tomorrow as a "National Day of Immigrant Dignity and Respect" could just as easily be called the "Anti-Labor Day" or the "Immigrant Perpetual Poverty Day."
All American workers suffer under current uncontrolled immigration policies and would suffer much more if the sponsors of the rallies get their "comprehensive immigration reform" that would give lifetime work permits to at least 11 million illegal aliens and around 20 million new legal immigrants over the next ten years.
But the workers who would suffer the most, would be the legal immigrants who arrived here the last 10-20 years.
That's because the more than 30 million new lifetime work permits under the Senate-passed S. 744 would go to people who disproportionately settle in the same neighborhoods as those previous immigrants and who have similar education and job skills and who look for work in the same occupations.
Recent immigrants and the second generation of earlier immigrants are having a really hard time with high unemployment and low incomes. Most of them are working occupations where employers have a never-ending supply of new immigrants and illegal aliens who are ready to do just about anything to out-compete those already here.
This is not unusual in our history.
People tend to remember stories of immigrants who arrive with nothing and who work their way into the middle class or even riches.
But researching my books on immigration, I found those stories were the rare exceptions during periods of mass immigration. They became commonplace only after Congress greatly reduced immigration numbers to around traditional averages.
History shows that a sincere Day of Dignity and Respect for Immigrants would be pushing for the adoption of the recommendations of Barbara Jordan's bi-partisan U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform that would cut legal immigration at least in half and would once and for all remove the ability of foreign citizens to illegally take U.S. jobs. That would allow the labor market to begin tightening, something that throughout our history has raised the incomes of all workers, but especially the tens of millions of recent immigrants.
But everything about the rallies is aimed at creating open borders with gigantic future flows of foreign workers that will further depress U.S. wages and force more Americans to become dependent upon the government.
Nothing about the rallies shows any respect for the dignity of the average American worker.
NumbersUSA is currently mobilizing our activists across the country to contact their members of Congress and to demand an immigration policy that respects and dignifies all legal American workers -- whether foreign-born or U.S.-born -- instead of rewarding lawbreakers with lifetime work permits to compete against Americans.
Amnesty with work permits is simply not the answer when 20 million unemployed Americans still can't find a full-time job, and when the wages of tens of millions of others are depressed due to Congress quadrupling the level of immigrant workers over the last few decades.
ROY BECK is Founder & President of NumbersUSA
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