Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kudos to Starbucks Saints Helens 97051 for NOT hiring Illegal Aliens

Starbucks  in Saint Helens actually hires Americans who speak English as a first language. Amazing.
They don't have signs in Spanish, they don't cater to the invasion because Mexicans are too cheap to buy good coffee.

Safeway Saint Helens Or Hispanic Food Isle Or Mexicans Get Food Stamps

Safeway at St Helens Oregon is way too small with not enough room for much of anything, yet 
 they have plenty of room for Mexicans and their special needs.
 It's called the Hispanic Food Isle and it takes up half of one long isle.
  It's important to note  that Safeway caters to illegal mexicans on food stamps with their anchor babies
 One Mexican ( who spoke only spanish) bought 50.00 of  fresh pork with her EBT card while her anchor baby helped her use it, at Safeway in St Helens, Oregon. 
   It's really nice of Safeway to put  Mexicans first,  because it reminds me to shop somewhere else, with my White Native English Speaking American money.
  The last laugh is on the Hispanics though, because the black beans cost $ 2.69 a pound in the Hispanic isle, when the black beans for white people only costs $1.29 a pound.
 Now I would like it if they stocked this brand of peanut oil:  gourmet cooking oil ,
but they don't. It's not something Mexicans use, so don't bother stocking it. 
 And yes I will use the word white  because I am not going to tip toe around this. In Columbia County we are supposed to call foreign nationals "Hispanics", it's racist to call them Mexicans.
 We are not allowed to own our own category as it implies that we aren't embracing diversity enough.

Friday, September 20, 2013

No Coal Columbia County- Don't Let Columbia County be ruined for China's Greed

http://cleancolumbiacounty.info/ http://cleancolumbiacounty.info/ https://www.facebook.com/CleanColumbiaCounty

 The Coal for China is being pushed through by the Corporations, just as they are trying to force Amnesty against the will of the people. The Columbia River and this county will be ruined if this is pushed through.
Clean Columbia County
Coal  will ship through Columbia County unless you stop it, Crude oil is already being shipped.
 The fight is not over
 Meetings: 2nd Thursday at 6:30 PM
Columbia Soil and Water
35285 Millard Road
St Helens Oregon
 503 397 0419

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Help Obama Kickstart World War 111

We already know there are no jobs in Columbia County , unless you are a foriegn national from Mexico or China, just think about the full employment a world war will bring!

Scappoose the New Detroit? Century Link and the Phone Booth

I would say there are about two phone booths left in Columbia County from the days of Ma Bell. The one in front of the Scappoose post office is a disgrace, it so Detroit , so Soviet Era Russia, So third world. It is filthy with long term grime, the light has been smashed out , the door removed. You would think some citizen group or church group would adopt it so people won't say that Columbia County is becoming a rural Detroit. Century Link needs to get over there and do some cleaning.

Stop The Coal on the Columbia River Power Past Coal Coalition

Coal Export: New Poll, WA Scoping Hearings, " (Photo: Daniel Dancer) A new poll commissioned by the Power Past Coal Coalition (of which Friends is a member) shows a majority of voters in both Washington (51%) and Oregon (54%) oppose the proposed plans to export coal from Northwest ports, with a majority of moderates and liberals and a large numb er of independent voters voicing opposition. This continuing shift in opinion comes as coal export opponents begin organizing to make their voices heard at a series of public "scoping" hearings in Washington State about the proposed 44 million-ton coal export terminal in Longview. The terminal would be the largest coal export terminal in the United States, transporting toxic coal by rail through the Columbia Gorge in open coal cars and turning 75 acres of Columbia River waterfront into open piles of coal up to eight stories high. We need you to stand up for the Gorge and families living along the Columbia! The first meeting in Longview was held on Tuesday and was a huge success! Four more are scheduled: Spokane (Sept. 25), Pasco (Oct. 1), Vancouver (Oct. 9), and Tacoma (Oct. 17). Sign up to make a public comment, or just be there to make your presence felt!