Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Comfort Construction Hires Illegal ALiens From Mexico St Helens 97051 Report to ICE: Hired Wayne Mayo Instead

Comfort Construction

(503) 396-0271
PO Box 284 

Saint HelensOR 97051
Print this out and mail it to ICE in Portland Oregon
Department of Homeland Security
Immigration and Customs
Attn: investigations
511 NW Broadway
 Portland Oregon 97209

 Comfort Construction, owned by an American Named Mark W., has a mexican crew of ( presumed) illegal aliens from Mexico. One has a really long mustache that went out of fashion in China about a hundred years ago, and they all look like mug shots.
I know the full name and address of one of the mexicans and  they are using government programs such as food stamps 
 Given how few jobs there are for Americans who grew up in Columbia County . it is a crime doubly for Mark to be hiring them.
This is why Wayne Mayo tried to get a measure passed , which was passed by the voters, and thrown out by a judge.


eyeontruth said...

Newberg, Oregon also has several fruit/veggie markets and shops the word is they bring in groups of illegals every week. Hire them, house them, they do not care if they are illegal, criminals with prior offenses or boarder issues. One Hispanic man beat and raped a friend he went to prison on bogus charges even the grand jury did not pick. Within two years immigration attorneys in Oregon got him out, I called ICE and they sent out an alert because of his prior ICE holds and crimes of other women and a young girl. I believe this is a Mormon owned business, in Arizona Mormons are known for using them for labor so they get rich. I believe the name is Ray's. We have a misletoe/wreaths business, Mexican Tiles-endless restaurants.Then, you see all the jails photos and names, and wonder is American whites have lost their minds creating a business out of all of this it obviously is doing nothing for our communities and our nation but undermining it. I have a right to be recentful when I see diversity has no place for its own people that they would degrade us and undermine us and leave us without jobs, turn us down for business loans and grants, not help a white American family, or a white college graduate but they hire illegals, foreigners, ignorant rebellious progressives who do not even know that their beloved VISTA AND AMERICORP began by the Republican conservative [ claimed -Christians] Bush family. No liberals created this it............I think we need a town meeting to explain what and who is behind all of this....................

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