Showing posts with label mexicans illegals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mexicans illegals. Show all posts

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Illegal Mexicans Takeover Columiba City Oregon 97051

Not Quite a takeover , but the  first step.
 For those who have no clue as to where Columbia City Oregon is , it is in Columbia County , Oregon , right on the Columbia river, about two miles from St Helens, Oregon,
 It is very tiny and is really just a place for rich Californians to retire to or so it seems.
 It is considered desirable because it has very little diversity with no slum apartment buildings with section 8 renters. There are some dumps and rentals but not enough to make it the diversity dump that St Johns in Portland is or St Helens has become.
 If there was even one slum apartment building such as Forest Park or Gable Park apartments in St Helens, it would be full of Mexicans and Section 8 Blacks from Portland.
 It was once the place I wished to move to in Columbia County to get away from the rif-raf, until I saw the rif-raf was mowing lawns and gangster type blacks were showing up at the park.
There are only about two police officers ,so whats the point and in any case, the police refuse to enforce immigration laws, rarely checking to see if a mexican they pull over is illegal.
 Today , May 4th, 2014,the rental hall  at Columbia City , next door to the police station and city hall, was rented by a huge group of mexicans ,of all indian descent, for some kind of Mexican Party.
Many of the cars were from Washington State, but many mexicans in Oregon went to Washington State to be licensed as it was easy for  illegals to  register their vehicles when Oregon stopped giving licenses to illegals.
 There was loud mexican music, mexican
an anchor babies on top of the trucks, mexicans everywhere.
 If they feel safe enough to rent a hall in the middle of a mostly white affluent area , then they have no fear of being deported. 
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