Friday, February 13, 2015

Ktizhaber Finally Resigns_ His Record on Illegal aliensStunk

  • Pro Illegal Anti- American Oregon Governor Kitzhaber ...
    7 hours ago - Pro Illegal Anti- American Oregon Governor Kitzhaber Resigns because he is Crook. Kitzhaber Resigns due to Illegal alien and Corrupt Fiance
  • Granting Driver's Licenses to Illegal Aliens Is Fiscally Unwise.
    John Kitzhaber to yield to the pleas and demands of illegal alien advocates and .... Public safety has been the mantra of the pro-illegal alien crowd anxious to get  ...
  • Make D.C. Listen: Voters Reject Illegal Alien Rewards on ... › Conservative › Michelle Malkin
    Creators Syndicate
    They chose a sovereign nation over an illegal alien sanctuary nation, and they told ...John Kitzhaber and radicals in the state legislature tried to push through illegal ... Pro-amnesty actress and Barack Obama campaign finance bundler Eva  ...
  • John Kitzhaber on Immigration - On The Issues
    Nov 28, 2014 - Kitzhaber adopted the National Governors Association policy: ...[Regarding illegal immigration], the Governors continue to call on the federal  ...
  • [PDF]OFIR Newsletter June 2012 - Oregonians for Immigration ...
    Governor Kitzhaber advocates giving driver licenses to illegal aliens .... on May 9 an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Act was pro-.
  • Oregon Voters Defeat Referendum on Illegal-Alien Driver ...
    Nov 5, 2014 - So, OFIR (Oregonians for Immigration Reform -- a pro-enforcement ...Note Kitzhaber's fiance turned out to have married an illegal alien for  ...
  • Make DC listen: Voters reject illegal alien rewards - Michelle ...
    Michelle Malkin
    Nov 7, 2014 - They chose a sovereign nation over an illegal alien sanctuary nation, and ... John Kitzhaber and radicals in the state legislature tried to push through ... Pro-amnesty actress and Barack Obama campaign finance bundler Eva  ...
  • Oregon Could Be the Next State to Let Undocumented ...
    Sep 8, 2014 - John Kitzhaber signed a bill into law last year that would have made four-year driver ... They also assert that if undocumented immigrants possess driver cards, ... The Taxpayer Association of Oregon, an anti-tax, pro-limited  ...
  • Lars Larson - In Oregon, Governor Kitzhaber (pro abortion,...
    In Oregon, Governor Kitzhaber (pro abortion, pro doc assisted suicide) has given us a tradition ... Seriously, why are we not deporting illegal aliens as we should.
  • IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn't pay ...
    The Washington Times
    2 days ago - John Kitzhaber ... He said only about 700,000 illegal immigrantscurrently work and pay taxes using an Individual Taxpayer Identification ....Demonstrators chant pro-al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Lev
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