Monday, July 7, 2014

Betty Crocker and Gerber Baby are no longer White- Extinction of Whites in United States

 Mexican Baby is the Gerber Baby
 Good news is the Copper Tone Girl, the new one, is a blue eyed all white, blond. White People are the ones that use sun block and suffer from skin cancer, but you will find that as soon as labor day hits you can't find a tube of it, because we are not the preferred ethnic target group.

It pays for Mexicans to come to the US illegally, while Americans bear the burdern

 Betty Crocker is no longer white to reflect that the US in now Brown from all the illegal ailiens who were never deported- this is a complete population displacement of historical dimensions

Coppertone should note that according to the U.S. Census, the majority of babies born today are minorities. The Washington Post stated, "One of the biggest factors in the demographic change is age. Whites are by far the oldest group. Their median age is over 42, so many are beyond their prime childbearing years. In contrast, the median age for Hispanics  Mexican illegal alien anchor babies  is under 28. Blacks and Asians have median ages in their early 30s."

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