Thursday, October 17, 2013

Six Mexican Anchor Babies at McCormick Park Saint Helens Oregon 97051

The Cost of Anchor Babies to American Citizens
 Check out the link to Judicial Watch.
 American Corporations and Congress ( mostly) are bullying Americans into accepting a mass amnesty, because the corporations have only their own profit in mind.
 Google Thomas Jefferson on " Merchants"
 So today I am behind the soon to be infamous St Helens public library and Six mexican Anchors go by  on bike , followed by the spanish speaking Mexican ( breeder)
 All of these children have been born since the 2006 defeat of Amnesty, they are Obama's anchor babies.
 There has been no deportation really, anyone illegal who has a baby in the US , will not be deported under the Obama Regime.
 I moved  to Columbia County to get away from the Non- Diversity of Mexicans everywhere.
 Now they are taking over Columbia County along with the Asian imports etc.
     The following vectors have increased the Mexican illegals: the defeat of Wayne Mayo's initiative to Hire Only Legal Americans, thrown out by a judge , even though it was passed by We the People.
 ( judges rarely stand up for Americans in this ugly overthrow of the US by foreign nationals and corporate greed), the other is Community Action, a government agency that promotes illegals.
And many but not all of the churches in the county, especially the Pentecostal Church off Millard road, ( they have a mexican preacher) the Jehovah Witnesses and the Catholic Church. Remember there are no illegal aliens , they are just sorta undocumented.
 And of course  certain Landlords who will rent to whoever has the cash , no questions asked, which is why St Helens is turning into another Northeast Portland slash Mexican barrio.

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