Sunday, November 23, 2014

Did Obama Target Gun Maker Heller Enterprises St Helens with Fed Raid

IRS Raid on Heller Gun MAker eve of Obama's Amnesty

 Note the Feds haven't raided any business that hires illegals in Columbia county. When the library was being roofed by illegals, ICE never showed up. I think this is part of Obama's plan to intimidate Americans from fighting back over his Amnesty of November 20th, 2014.. Fight Back

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Renter's Insurance and Columbia County Slumlords" We Don't Care; We Don't Have too.

found on the internet:"In January, the toilet in my apartment backed up and so did the washing machine at the same time. It flooded my apartment, and as soon as I realized that the water was still pouring out of the toilet, I called the landlady who sent a man over right away to stop the leak. However, it took about 2 days to completely stop the leak, and the carpet was soaked, as well as my furniture. Now, the toilet had backed up before and I they looked to see if I had put disposable diapers (even though I am 63, have not had a baby in my home in over 40 years) or sanitary napkins (menopause for 20 years don't use them anymore). It was actually their fault. They had not kept up with the maintenance issues. In Februray all tenants were told that we had to have renter's insurance. I was told where I was to get it and I was assured that the landlady or apartment manager was not receiving anything from the insurance company, so went off on my own and I found it
cheaper somewhere else and the only thing I have in my landlady's name is liability in case of water or fire damage. I am on a very tight budget and the reason I did not carry it was because I could not afford it. But I had to have it. I told my maintenance guy numerous times that if they did some spot checks and a little bit of preventive maintenance, they would not have all these charges at once--my apartment flooded then the lady's apartment next door flooded, etc. It used to be cheaper to live in an apartment; now it's not. Now if I have a problem with my dishwasher, they want me to pay half the cost of replacing it. I told them to jump up my rear end--I could wash dishes by hand. So I did until a friend of mine who can do anything looked at it and he replaced a little part that cost about $10 and now I have a working dishwasher again. I deducted $5.00 from my rent and told the landlady that I had the dishwasher repaired and I was charging them for one half the cost of repairing it. Most of the time if the maintenance guys would just check air conditioner units outside for grass clippings and other things that get into the systems they can prevent maintenance costs."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

In a vote with national implications, Oregon overturns law to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens

In a vote with national implications, Oregon overturns law to grant driver's licenses to illegal aliens.
 Yeah Ramos Landscaping service - here's to you and your illegal aliens from Mexico, and Mark Comfort Construction , who hires illegal aliens instead of Americans.

Please weigh in on the national conversation about driver's licenses for illegal aliens. Opportunities to comment on the huge victory in Oregon last night here:
  • "Illegal residents drivers card measure loses" from theAssociated Press
  • "Oregon voters reject licenses for illegals; immigration a losing issue for Dems in 2014 elections" from the Washington Times
  • "Oregon Election Results" from the Oregonian
  • "GMO labeling too close to call in Oregon" (AP story) in the SF Gate
  • "Oregon Voters Reject Drivers Cards for Undocumented Immigrants" in Governing
  • "Oregon Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Driver's Licenses for Illegals" from Breitbart; and
  • "Oregon Voters Deny Drivers Licenses To Undocumented Immigrants" from Think Progress.

Yesterday voters in the blue State of Oregon rescinded a state law giving illegal aliens access to driver cards by voting down Ballot Measure 88. The citizens veto referendum, which was placed on the ballot by an issue committee called Protect Oregon Drivers Licenses (PODL), gave voters an opportunity to decide whether the 2013 law (SB 833) should be implemented. Voters said "No" by a 68-32 margin.
The Oregon referendum results will have national impact because Oregon was the only state in the nation to have a referendum on the ballot in the 2014 general election that dealt with the subject of illegal immigration -- specifically the idea of issuing legal documents to people here illegally.
The nation is watching. Have your say.
Thank you for contributing to a civil discussion about immigration policy.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Breaking News Oregon Denies Permit for Morrow Pacific Coal On Columbia River

nk You

We won! The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) has denied Ambre Energy's removal-fill permit for their Morrow Pacific Project, which would have transported over eight million tons of coal every year on trains to Boardman, then down the Columbia on barges through the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area and overseas to Asia.

This marks the first time a state agency has formally rejected a permit for any coal terminal in the Northwest in a fight that has now been going on for close to four years. This is a landmark decision, and you helped make it happen!

Friends of the Columbia Gorge and our allies with the Power Past Coal Coalition will continue to fight the three remaining terminals planned in Washington state and Canada: the Gateway Pacific terminal near Bellingham, Ambre Energy's Millennium Bulk terminal in Longview, and the expansion planned at the Texada Fraser Surrey Docks in Vancouver, British Columbia. All these projects would transport coal through the Columbia River Gorge. We will also remain diligent in case Ambre Energy tries to overturn this decision - they have less than a month to appeal the permit denial.

To continue this work we need your generous support, both in volunteer hours and financial contributions. These campaigns succeed on the growing awareness and support of grassroots organizing, so please consider a donation to Friends of the Columbia Gorge. Our work relies almost entirely upon our membership base and individual donations. You can donate here: here to read more about what this decision means.
You can also read a summary of the denial HERE.
You can view a timeline of the DSL process HERE.
And the press release from the DSL can be viewed HERE.

There is also a party in Portland on Tuesday, August 26 at 6:30 pm at Laurelhurst Park picnic area A (located just inside the park entrance at SE 35th Ave and SE Oak St.) - please come join us in celebration of this great victory! You can RSVP to the Facebook event by following this link: 

Thank the Governor and Mary Abrams

As part of this campaign many of you wrote letters and submitted comments to Governor Kitzhaber and Mary Abrams, Director of Oregon DSL. Governor Kitzhaber's public statements against coal export and this permit denial from the DSL shows they listened to us and did as the people of Oregon asked.
Please take a moment to call or write Governor Kitzhaber and Director Mary Abrams and thank them for denying this permit.

Sample Statement:

Dear Governor Kitzhaber & DSL Director Mary Abrams,

Thank you! You've stood up for Oregon and the entire Pacific Northwest. Ambre Energy's proposed Morrow Pacific coal export proposal doesn't meet Oregon's environmental standards and threatens our values and our way of life.

Putting our communities, the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area, and our climate ahead of Ambre Energy's dirty coal export terminal was the right thing to do and I applaud you!

This decision means a lot to me and it demonstrates that Oregon is, once again, a national leader in sound and sustainable decision making.

Thank you, 

You can contact Governor Kitzhaber by submitting an online comment through his website:  
You can also call:
(503) 378-4582
Or write to:
Governor Kitzhaber
Attn: Citizens' Representative
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, OR 97301-4047

You can email Directory Mary Abrams at:
Or call her office at:
(503) 986-5224

Please email after you send your thank yous so we can track how many they are getting. Also please let me know in that email if you are able to write a Letter to the Editor to your local paper talking about this issue, why it is good, and thanking the DSL and Governor Kitzhaber for the decision. It isn't hard and I can help you with writing one if you haven't done it before.

We need to show these leaders that they have our support when making the decisions we want them to. Thank you all again for your hard work. I look forward to defeating the rest of these terminals with you!

Ryan Rittenhouse
Conservation Organizer
Friends of the Columbia Gorge

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

St Helens Sherwin Williams Business Park Hires Illegal Mexican Miguel NOT Local American Breaking News

What a surprise! You mean yet another business is hiring foreign nationals, with stolen ID, instead of local Americans in Columbia County Oregon, 97051?
Sherwin Williams is in a small business park, one that  has hired a Mexican ,with a heavy accent, named Miguel to wander around and change out lightbulbs and walk on mats.
 To think , the owners had to go all the way to Mexico to find someone who could change a lightbulb!
The business park also hires Ramos landscaping service, owned by Enrique, who worked in the US illegally for about ten years and didn't pay his taxes. 
After he got his green card via marriage, he imported his male relatives from Mexico. His work crew consists of illegal aliens.

Sherwin-Williams Paint Store
1 Google review

58741 Columbia River Hwy
St Helens, OR
(503) 366-2712

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

City of St Helens Hires Six Illegal Mexicans to Roof Library with Taxpayer Money

City of St Helens Hires Six Illegal Mexicans to Roof Library with Taxpayer Money

 Interstate Roofing underbid by
$30,000 dollars for the job by using cheap illegal alien mexicans. All six of them are sitting in the sun today, July 30th, 2014, instead of Legal Americans who live in Columbia County. They did this with nary a thought using taxpayer monies.

St Helens Library in Columbia County

Today, July 22, 2014, St Helens Public Library has an all " Hispanic " Illegal Alien ( Most Likely)  Work Crew  of four Mexican  males , putting in a new roof with taxpayer money
.ICE Shuts Down Roofing Company illegals that hires 

 They hired,INTERSTATE ROOFING a business that is well known for hiring illegal aliens to do their work. Interstate Roofing is not from Columbia County. They could have hired Wayne Mayo , who would have hired legal local Americans to do the work.
 Not the trashy City of St Helens, Oregon. Mostly likely they approved this outsider crew with an 800 number, without even asking local contractors for a bid.
 (St Helens library also  gives free library cards to illegal aliens but charges local Americans).
 No one will call ICE or ask to see if this business uses E-Verify, ( which would check to make sure that the roofers have Social Security Numbers

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

ICE and Child Porn

ICE Investigates Child Porn

The problem with ICE is they ignore 90 percent of illegal aliens and just go after the sex offenders.
 They should deport all of them, as the average Mexican is a sex offender :"it's their culture"...

 and this was before Obama and his shut down of ICE. You can send them letters all day long with information on illegals using fake ID, collecting food stamps, and they will do absolutely nothing.